NEDCamp 2023 - That's a Wrap!

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Group Photo 2024

Many thanks to all of you who made the 10th Annual New England Drupal Camp a success!  

We were thrilled to see that attendance was up over 60% from the previous year!  Thank you sponsors, speakers and attendees for your participation and support!

We came for the software, but we stay for the community! 

Session videos are posted: 


Our first NEDSummit for Higher Ed was a success.  We had representatives from12 higher-ed institutions and 8 higher-ed partner organizations.

Summit 2023



Join us again next year, our 11th, November 15-16, 2024 we "go to eleven".

Turn it up to 11


Yours in Drupal - 

The NEDCamp Team





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NEDCamp 2024: Session & Training Submissions are Open

Who can submit? 

Design4Drupal @ NEDCamp

Since its inception in 2009, Design4Drupal (D4D) has emerged as the premier three-day event for professionals passionate about design, user experience (UX), and front-end development for Drupal websites.