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Developer Intermediate Gaige Hall 204

Stupendous Date Tricks

Martin smiling

Martin Anderson-Clutz

Managing dates and times is often complex: recurring events, timezones, daylight savings times, regional formatting conventions, and more. Add in additional presentation requirements like add-to-calendar links, registration links, and related content (like agendas, that change for each date instance) and the complexity can seem bewildering.

Fortunately Drupal offers a rich toolset for solving these challenges. In this session we'll explore the solutions, not only showing how they work, but also detailing the modules and the configuration needed.

Additional Details:

  • Audience level: Intermediate
  • Topic: Developer
  • Room: Gaige Hall 204


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Design4Drupal @ NEDCamp

Since its inception in 2009, Design4Drupal (D4D) has emerged as the premier three-day event for professionals passionate about design, user experience (UX), and front-end development for Drupal websites.