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DevOps All Attendees Gaige Hall 204

Increasing Your Productivity With a Tiling Window Manager

Stephen Cross

Stephen Cross

40% of developers use Linux for professional and personal computing.  "Choice" in selecting the operating system components is one of the reasons Linux is popular with developers.   You can choose the Linux distribution, the desktop environment, and the software components that work best for you.  With MacOS and Windows, you don't have choices.

If you are new to Linux, you probably have not heard of Tiling Window Mangers.   A Tiling window manager is a desktop focused on productivity and efficiency.  Linux users are polarized about tiling window managers, those that use them will never turn back.

A tiling window manager is the single feature that could convince you to give Linux a try.  

In this session you will learn about Linux and how a tiling window manager can make you more productive.  Topics covered:

  • Anatomy of a desktop operating system
  • Types of tiling window managers
  • How a tiling window manager works
  • Common features
  • Popular tiling window managers
  • Demonstration of QTile
  • Tiling window options for MacOS and Windows

Additional Details:

  • Audience level: All Attendees
  • Topic: DevOps
  • Room: Gaige Hall 204


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