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Developer Advanced Gaige Hall 207

Migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10 (or 11 or 12 or whatever it is when you get around to it)

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Chris Thompson

Channeling our colleague Mauricio Dinarte, we will help you Migrate Your Way to Modern Drupal Greatness

Don't let getting the content over stop you from moving to modern Drupal— whether from another version of Drupal or some other something else entirely, or a mixture of things.

We will:

  • Introduce you to Drupal's Migrate API, which is the powerful Migrate module moved into core for Drupal 8.
  • Show you how to upgrade your Drupal site with Migrate API, which is the official upgrade path for Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 sites upgrading to modern Drupal (versions 8 and above).
  • Cover how to modify migrations from the automatic upgrade to account for a changed content model on your new site.
  • Provide strategies for approaching migrating content from different sources into Drupal.
  • Detail the steps for migrating from some common non-Drupal sources.
  • Answer your questions to the best of our ability! Feel free to ask us ahead of time, and we'll try to incorporate it into the session.

Learning Objectives & Outcomes:

Have confidence in your ability to use Drupal's core Migrate API to bring in content from Drupal 7 databases, other databases, and flat files.

We might even throw in a little Python-powered preparation of decade-old HTML if you're all of hardy constitutions, but mostly we'll be covering how Drupal 10 (and a few helper modules) give you the tools to get content into your beautifully (re-)constructed Drupal 10 site.


Register for this Training

Additional Details:

  • Audience level: Advanced
  • Topic: Developer
  • Room: Gaige Hall 207


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