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Contribution Day

Contribution is at the heart of the Drupal community. Whether it is:

  • writing code for new features
  • testing that new code
  • finding bugs
  • performing UX or accessibility reviews
  • documenting how to use Drupal
  • building marketing resources for organizations to use
  • providing learning and education
  • or mentoring others building their skills in any of these ways

… there is a place for you to make your mark.

Some people new to Contrib Days might have some of the following questions:

What is a contribution (Contrib) Day?

A contrib day is a get-together for focused work on a project. Contrib Days (historically known as sprints) are an important part of Drupal's growth and provide great opportunities to get involved in contributing to Drupal itself.

Contributing to Drupal helps to build a better product for everyone to use, and is a great opportunity to grow your skills and confidence. Many employers and even end-user clients look to work with individuals who have a track record of contribution.

Who should come?

Everyone! You don't need to be a developer to contribute; we need: project managers, bug reporters, QA testers, people to help write documentation, marketing materials etc... If you are not sure where to get started, we will have people to assist you.

What if I'm new to Drupal and/or contributing, how can I help?

Read the who should come section above!! We will help you get started and find a task you can help with. We look forward to seeing you at NEDCamp Contrib Day! 

How can I get my initiative or project included in NEDCamp’s Contrib Day?

It’s easy! Just let us know what you will be working on and we will add your topic to the list of activities that will be happening in the Contribution room. You can look for us on the Drupal Slack in the #nedcamp channel.  


NEDCamp 2024: Session & Training Submissions are Open

Who can submit? 

Design4Drupal @ NEDCamp

Since its inception in 2009, Design4Drupal (D4D) has emerged as the premier three-day event for professionals passionate about design, user experience (UX), and front-end development for Drupal websites.