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2024 Event Information

When & Where

November 15- 16, 2024

Rhode Island College, Providence RI



Friday, November 15, 2024

  • Higher-Ed Summit
  • Training
  • Community Event

Saturday, November 16, 2024

  • Keynote
  • Sessions
  • After-Party

Keynote Speakers

  • Coming soon



Our Platinum sponsor for the eleventh straight year is Oomph.  The support from Oomph and every other sponsor has enabled this event to succeed.   

Consider becoming a sponsorship in 2024.



NEDCamp 2024: Session & Training Submissions are Open

Who can submit? 

Design4Drupal @ NEDCamp

Since its inception in 2009, Design4Drupal (D4D) has emerged as the premier three-day event for professionals passionate about design, user experience (UX), and front-end development for Drupal websites.