Jacob Rockowitz

Drupal Developer at The Big Blue House

As a member of the Drupal community, I mentor developers, explore Open Source sustainability, speak at events, and contribute code and ideas back to the community as the maintainer of the Webform module and Schema.org Blueprints module.

The Webform module allows site builders to build forms to collect visitor data, and it is one of Drupal’s most installed modules.

The Schema.org Blueprints module uses Schema.org types and properties to build a modern, progressively decoupled website/application content architecture that is standardized and API-first with fantastic SEO.

Upcoming Sessions
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Previous Sessions

Going From 0 to 60 With the Schema.org Blueprints Module

This presentation aims to introduce people to the concept of using Schema.org as the blueprint for an API-first, standardized, and SEO-friendly website and walk through how to implement Schema.org for your organization.  This presentation will be a mini training session on setting up the Schema.org Blueprints module,  implementing a Schema.org type, and building complete solution using starter kits.