Everyone is welcome, no coding experience required. Leslie Glynn and Chris Wells - Initiative Leads will be in the contribution area to help folks get started.
Listening Session - Spin up the latest version of the Project Browser contrib module and give us feedback
- Site builders and those new to Drupal are the target audience of Project Browser - give us your feedback on what can be improved
- Module maintainers - take a look at where we are with project browser and learn what content will be used in the initial version
- Spin up a site in Gitpod
Help us improve content on Drupal.org project pages
- Create or review logos
- Create or review suggested short non-technical project descriptions
- Suggest or review suggestions on which 3 categories a project belongs to
- https://contribkanban.com/board/ProjectBrowserTop100
Give us feedback on the design of the project detail page in the project browser
- What information on the drupal.lrg project pages is most important to you when you are looking for modules to add functionality to your website
- https://www.drupal.org/project/project_browser/issues/3230734
Complete a 1-hour survey to help us narrow down the number of categories
- We are trying to reduce the number of categories that modules fit into
- We are looking at the goals of folks adding modules as potential categories
- https://www.drupal.org/project/project_browser/issues/3240313
Find out how we are using Svelte JS in the project and how you can help with the themability of Svelte
Get involved in the conversion from Drupal CI to GitLab CI
There are many other opportunities as well. Join the #project-browser channel in Drupal Slack and let us know how you would like to contribute.