Drupal Config Sync: The Next Iteration

Ethan Aho
These are the voyages of a developer using config sync. To seek out new implementations, new solutions, and develop better devops. To boldy install what thousands of others have installed before. Daah, dah dah daaaaaah dah dah daaaaaaaah....
At NEDCamp 2023 I spoke about the basics of Config Sync. At this session, I'll be going past generic intro tutorial. We'll get into the weeds of some real life implementations. Listen to multiple ways that config sync could be useful for your devops with a focus of how to use Drupal's config sync between local, staging, and production environments.
- Using .env
- Using server environment variables
- Having the code auto select between multiple settings.yml and services.yml files
- Keeping your local environment developer friendly with multiple services.yml
- Examples of why/how config split, config readonly, and other addons of config sync could be used
- Options for password storage without them being plain text inside of git
Additional Details:
- Audience level: Intermediate
- Topic: DevOps
- Room: Gaige Hall 206